Exclusive Pennonia Inks!


4 New Inks! A donation! Read on!

Toe Beans:
This is a black ink with a bit of pink pigment in it. Sometimes you'll see the pigment in your writing as a pale haze, but the real fun is that when you swatch the ink you end up with these pale pools that look like the light toe pads of a cat with black paws like our Katy and Clipsy Cats. There is a marble in the bottle to help mix in the pigment, but I find it works best to sort of swirl the bottle instead of shaking it back and forth.

Mr. Nose's Peepers:
This bright green ink leans a little yellow, and it contains some purple shimmer. It's just the shade of eye that our Mr. Nose had. He was a special boy, and I love that Pennonia was able to make an ink that captured his eyes. It's a bright green, but totally readable and pleasing even in a fine nib.

Hens & Chicks:
The first batch of Peepers didn't quite come out right, but it's a beautiful green that leans a bit blue and has a dusky vibe to it and the same purple shimmer. It wasn't quite Nose's Peepers, but it's a beautiful ink in its own right, and it looks just like a succulent that Audrey and I like called Hens & Chicks. This is a limited run, and I'm not sure if we'll do it again.

Navy Beans:
The first batch of Toe Beans is more of a blue-black than it is a black. It's still got the pink pigment in it, and I think it shows up a bit more in this ink than in Toe Beans. It's still a very dark ink, but noticeably blue-black in wider nibs and on some papers.

The pigment is very fine, and I haven't experienced it clogging any of the several pens I have it in, though the amount of blue you'll see varies widely. Check out the photos to the left.

60ml (2oz) glass bottles.

Ships Ground Advantage (formerly known as First Class) in the USA @ $6 for the first bottle, and each additional adds $2.
**Shipping prices are weird right now, and if it is significantly cheaper to ship I'll refund you a portion of the overage.**

International Shipping:
The international shipping charge is a guess. Prices vary, but it's usually about that much to ship a bottle outside of the USA, but if it's much less I'll refund the difference.

Cold Weather:
It's winter here in the USA, and if you're worried that your ink will freeze (but don't want to possibly miss out) you can write in the comments that you'd like me to hold the order. That's no problem.

Pen Show Pick-Up:
I'll be going to the Baltimore Pen Show, so if you'd like me to bring your ink there instead of shipping it you can use the code "penshowpickup" at checkout to skip the shipping cost.

**We've decided to donate a chunk of the profits from Hens & Chicks & Navy Beans to Best Friends.org. It's a charity that helps care for homeless pets and they're currently working to help animals (and people) affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles. Nose and Clipsy would have wanted that.**